Wednesday, October 31, 2007


wellness  oriented activity :  Pull ups, push ups with weighted belts and swing .
Scoring is simple. It is  number of  pounds  of   weighted belts lift. plus one point beginning with 21.years of age.
But, there are two conditions: to win.
-. The weighted belt must be  no less than  6,6 lb  ( 3 kg.)
-. You  have  to score in every U.B.B.  elements.
This is my own scores for today 05 // 19/ //17
Scoring  are in pounds:
Pull up (high bar)             15  
Pull up (low bar)           125  
Push up                         135
Swing                              72  .
My  U.B.B..score::  347  + 61= 408
I hope  you can do better.
I want to remind you:
Winners  of these  events are going to have:
-normal blood pressure,
-normal blood sugar,
-normal body weight and 
-optimal body structure..   

On the photo: The high multi position bar.  The pulling up with the with 6,6 lb weighted belt.