Saturday, July 26, 2008


was invented not .for the living human body, but for the old fashion lamp computer, which use to required controlled air. Humans had "adapted" it for their own living bodies. Since than, we are wasting great amount of energy and damaging our health and environment.
         The very important part of breathing air is the water . It softens and moisturizes the first impact of air on the nasal passages and lungs. When air has undergone a cooling process it loses most of the water (and may be some other air gases).
          There is another, even more important reason not to cool  air for the living human body. The  computer has  no  ability to adapt itself to changing atmospheric condition (temp, pressure, humidity), living human body  has.
           If we consistently shield our body from changing  environment , we could lose the property of our body to adapt to it.. The wide ray of allergies in our days is the price we pay for air conditioning ourselves.
We are risking our future for the temporary comfort.

On the photo: Push up and than walking steps with the 135 lb (61 kg) back pack.