Wednesday, April 28, 2010


.health  insurance is..not  guarantee you  the good  health.   So often it is otherwise .
All  adults have to decide for themselves  what they want. If person wants to have a health insurance, it is simple. He or she has to buy it, or become poor and the Government  readily delivers it  for free. But it is going  to be the health insurance, not the health.  If he or she wants the health, it is a  little bit more complicated. . Everybody could  have it with some effort.  In 99  situations from 100  it depends  on  your  breakfast, your breathing habits and  what kind of daily exercises  you practice..
The U.B.B. can offer you  some   ideas. No any side effect.

On the photo:  the Yoga element.  Exercise  to strengthen  the body immune system.