Thursday, August 25, 2011


knee replacement and  heart surgeries do not solve  knee and  health  problems.
          It is  as to fix the engine and leave the oil pump broken.
These  body organs almost certainly have  lack of   body  fluids supply, which is a  responsibility of other body parts.
          The root of this problems is  failing  the leg  fluid production and delivery system .
This is  the  route of  the production and delivery of   body fluid  toward the heart.
FOOT    ---   CALF   --- .KNEE  --- THIGH    ---HEART.
           Feet are  the major center for producing and moving  to the heart  VENOUS   BLOOD ,  LYMPH  AND  NERVOUS  FLUID.  highly  accessible,  but,,  surprisingly,, most neglected  and abused..

On the photo: The U.B.B.developed exercise to strengthen the body  immune system.


Monday, January 10, 2011


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.came  from  the Ocean  and  not  from   monkey,, but  the  smart, socially developed beluga whale which  roaming  the Vast World Ocean..
       To keep  adequate energy level  they regularly remove   dead  skin..
They maintain  kindergartens and care for sick  (they assist  sick individual  to be afloat. while healing) .
          They  have not die from natural causes (scientists say this)..
It is critically  important  properly identify  human  ancestor  from whom  we can learn something and whom  we can be proud of.
            Learning  human  truth  roots  is the only natural  and  solid road   to our future.

Our skin must be energized and salty. This is why before the cold  fresh  water shower or  swim   we  have to sponge down  our  body  with the sea (natural) salt water solution. The skin becomes  smooth and  sends  new stimulating  impulses  throughout  the  body..

On the photo:  Push up and than walking steps with the 135 lb ( 61 kg ) pack on the back.