Saturday, March 1, 2014


depression  and  many other body maladies. .
         The walking is the most important element of the human existence. It  not only helps an individual reach the  basic needs, but it is the main contributor to health and vitality..
          The 30 min., fresh air, uninterrupted walk is the irreplaceable, daily, basic  exercise.
Breathing through the nose supplies proper air content (not only oxygen, sorry) to the body systems. To intensify  the  health benefit by walking it is  critically important to maintain  length  of  walking step.:
          For an average woman it  is no shorter than   24 in
For an average  man it  is no shorter  27  in.
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Or calculate the simple formula:
S = H / 2,63, where :
S - Size of walking steps.
H  -Person's  height. 
The arms movement must be free, relaxed and natural. .
Shoes must be light, comfortable and  proper size.
           The temp should be as high as possible, but not to be tired.
          The proper walking style   maximizes   health benefit.. 

On the photo::  Plow pose. Yoda element..