Monday, March 9, 2015


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our children  for  good  learning.
         And our adults  should be rewarded  for practicing U.B.B. and  for the each  healthy, mature tree growing with  their effort..
         It is much more sense  to pay people to be healthy and educated than spend  much more treasure to have sick and uneducated 
        We have to alter the tragic situation when be sick  and cutting and destroying healthy trees is becoming somehow  more  profitable.
         Many people hate the trees.  Very few love the trees.
Even fewer understand what  could  happen with all of us without enough trees growing on  surface of   the  Earth. 
          It will  be best investment in our future which  let our children live  and thrive among   happy, healthy  and  independent  friends. 

On the photo: Push up from position headstand/ .