Wednesday, July 20, 2016


part of the ecosystem.. They came in before humans came.
         There is no life without bugs. All livings  came to existence  because of bugs. 
         But some people unknowingly  weakening  their body immune system and  the problems with health blame on  bugs.
Bugs are blessing.. Beside life sustaining activity bugs produce food  for all  livings on  Earth.
        There is as much of  bugs  to maintain  the balance., no more, no less.
Solution:?  People have to stop destroying  the body immune system and start to rebuild it..  Killings the bugs will do an opposite.
         You can build the body immune system only with presence of the full set of bugs,  not with part of it or with  its absence.

On the photo: Push up from position Headstand.. The  U.B.B. element.

The following posts can assist everyone who values the liberty  to rebuild  the  body immune system and overcome  bug scare,  the  tendency which  imperils  our common future.