Saturday, February 25, 2017


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Donald  Trump.
       As soon as possible he  has to start practice  Universal  Bodybuilding.  (If  he  did  not  start  it yet).
       It  will  create  him  extra  energy  to win  the battle  for our common  future.
And something very important.  We  hope,   Donald Trump  can find time to show the  Nation and the World  how  to plant and care for  a tree.  It never betray him.
Donald  Trump is rarely happy. multiple talented  man.
        But it  is  not enough  for Donald  Trump. As  the  truly happy  person  he wishes   share  his  happiness.with all  of  us.
We are so  lucky.\

On the photo:  The headstand.  Yoga element.

Wednesday, February 1, 2017


expensive medicine can  make  preventive  business  competitive. 
           Each society has to decide for itself. They want its citizens to  spend  the most of the time in  doctor office and eventually bankrupt themselves and the country,. with  no  health, or  they want the healthy society.
           It is impossible to believe.. The rich country, for years ruled by free lunch peoples , bankrupted, demolished  and disintegrated.  It  was the  U.S.S.R.
           But it is the past. Regrettably, people have  bad  memory. Before our own eyes .the  rich country taken by free lunch people  some  years ago almost bankrupted and people are fleeing . Some folks are ready to change the religion to immigrate to Israel. It is Venezuela.
Who is next?..
On he photo:  Push up with  132 lb on my back.