Saturday, November 17, 2007


         building  does  not discriminate participants with  the body weight  or age.. Big and small, young and not so young  have a chance to challenge each other.
         To win, you do not need  have  a  huge muscles. Huge, hard  muscles contain  more weight than energy. What the winner has to have, is the flexible, most effective, muscles.
         The U.B.B  does not split participants with  body weight, or age categories. Children, parents and grandparents can compete in the one  room and everybody  have a chance to win. 
         What even more important, unlike any other competitive activity, are going to have: 
Optimal  blood pressure,
Optimal blood sugar,
Optimal body weight and
Optimal body structure.

On the photo: The high multi-position bar (H.M.P.B.). The exercise to build most effective, flexible upper part of the body muscles.

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